Sustainable producer-private partnerships


Sub Components


Budget (Million US$)


Sub Component 1
Sustainable Intensification and Value Chain Commercialisation
Output 1.1
Win-win partnerships between smallholder producers and public and private entities supported
Main Indicator
Number of formal partnerships/agreements or contracts with public or private entities
Supporting Indicator
Number of formal partnerships/agreements or contracts with public or private entities
Output 1.2
Strenghtened business skills of smallholder producers to engage in commercial agriculture
Main Indicator
Persons trained in income-generating activities
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Trained in Business plan Development
Supporting Indicator
Number of business plan submitted for ACIF small grants
Supporting Indicator
Number of people trained in SHEP
Supporting Indicator
Number of community Coaches Trained
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Trained in Value Addition
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Practicing Value Addition

Sub Component 2
Capacity Development of Farmers and Farmer based Organizations
Output 1.3
Strengthened FBOs skills for collective services and market linkages
Main Indicator
Rural producers’ organizations supported
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Registered as Cooperatives
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Supported to Attend Exhibitions/Product promotion
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Having Certified Products
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Trained in Warehouse Management
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Aggregating
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBO's Members Aggregating
Supporting Indicator
Volume Aggregated Produce Sold
Supporting Indicator
Revenue of Sales per FBO
Output 1.4
Smallholder producers' and FBOs access to financial services increased
Main Indicator
Number of FBOs linked/accessing financial services through FARMSE
Supporting Indicator
Number of FBOs linked/accessing financial services through FARMSE
Supporting Indicator
Number of groups trained in VSL
Supporting Indicator
Number of groups Operating in VSL
Supporting Indicator
Number of groups in Financial Literancy
Supporting Indicator
Number of groups linked to micro institutions
Supporting Indicator
Number of groups Supported to ACIF
Supporting Indicator
Number of groups Accessing Loans
Output 1.5
Strengthened production skills of smallholder producers to engage in commercial agriculture
Main Indicator
Persons trained in production practices and/or technologies
Supporting Indicator
Number of Farmers Adopting Modern Technologies
Supporting Indicator
Number of Farmers Trained in Qaulity Management
Supporting Indicator
Number of Technologies Promoted
Supporting Indicator
Number of Demostration Set
Supporting Indicator
Number of Field Days