
Gender Transformation

Indicator 01
Farmers Trained as Local Facilitators
Indicator 02
House Holds Implementing GALs
Indicator 03
FBOs Trained in GALs
Indicator 04
Extension Officers Trained in GALs
Indicator 05
House Holds Supported with Small Ruminants
Indicator 06
House Holds Supported with Seeds
Indicator 07
Farmers Trained in Nutrition
Indicator 08
FBOs Trained in Nutrition Inclusion
Indicator 09
PWD Reached with Interventions
Indicator 10
Farmers Trained in Disability Inclusion
Indicator 11
FBOs Trained in Disability Inclusion
Indicator 12
Youth Trained in Business Management
Indicator 13
Youth Trained as CAHWs & AIT
Indicator 14
Youth-led Value Chain-related Enterprises Supported
Indicator 15
Youth-led Value Chain-related Enterprises Reporting Increanse in Income
Indicator 16
Jobs Created
Indicator 17
Youth Trained in SHEP
Indicator 18
Youth Trained in ABS
Indicator 19
Youth Organizations Supported with startup Grants
Indicator 20
Youth Supported with Start-up Grants